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DCP Bucket List-Alumni Spring 2017

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top ten favorite rides

For this list, I will be talking about my top 10 personal rides at Walt Disney World and explaining why I love each of these rides so much. Just so I’m clear, I am excluding any attraction that does not move (such as Tiki Room or Country Bear Jamboree) because these will be saved for another list. After being in Disney for five months, I got to experience most of the rides in all four parks and have some great memories from each of them, but first I will have some honorable mentions. Tower of Terror Okay, I know this should be in my top ten list, but it’s not because I actually hate this ride. But this ride is so amazing! The first time I rode this I was with my roommates Melissa and Talia and I hated both of them because ToT was my biggest fear, but I’m so glad they made me ride it because the queue line is so immersive and the ride is so scary but I always ended up having the best time on it. Peter Pan This one should ALSO be on my top ten list but I struggled placing it